Last night I got to experiance wittnissing one of the funnest games to watch in the NBA in quite some time. I got to see Rajon Rondo set up the play with 3 hall of famors. I got to see tayshaun prince guard Paul Pierce like it was a piece of cake. Both of the EX Wildcats gave a great show last night but one of them came out on the winning end and the most experianced won and that would be Tayshaun Prince. It was so amazing of how Tayshaun would be really caulm and relaxed when the croud is loud,
1 game to 1
your down by 4 near the end of the 3rd quarter and comes away and hits a shot. How do you do that. Tayshaun played a HUGE role in the Pistons game last night. He didnt score alot like we want to but he got the job done on defense gaurding Paul Pierce and the Celtics.
As for Rajon Rondo. Lets all Hope he is better in the next game. He would pass up every shot when he was wide open. If you are in the NBA you dont pass up a shot especially in the Eastern Confernece game or you can lead to unpossitive plays. As the game went on you could tell that Rajon was gettin fed up with the refs and that backfired on him in the 4th. He did something I have never seen from him. He got a technichal foul. Thats not the Rajon Rondo I know. I cant wait till game 3 in Detroit and how he will respond in that game.
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