The other day before the game against Fresno State, the Arizona Sate baseball team got a little hot. The players Brent Wallace and Ike Davis skirmished and that skirmish apparently spread throughout the whole team. Know everybody found out that the fight was staged apparently with the coaches knowledge. It was an attemt to loosen up the Arizona state team and give their opponents who were watching, something to think about. What is so rediculous is Arizona lost the same day. And I ask myself what do I think about their fight strategy?
My Answere: Clearly it was stupid and I would say that before the game. A fight can not get you to win the game. It can't even get you pumped up. It's a stupid idea. If somebody came up to me and said this idea I would say you are outside your damn mind. Why would you even think that. First of all college baseball teams don't get into fights, yet alone, with themselves. Second I don't want to look like an idiot on television. Arizona state was ranked 3rd nationally and they pull a stunt like that. They are the most idiotic team this seaon, no doubt.